I feel that it is important for me to reiterate the principles of Natural Justice and bandingkan dengan apa yang telah terjadi dengan kes GU. Whether you like it or not, this the central issue dalam kes GU nih. Specifically, kes pencabulan Hashimah Yang lain tu bukannya main isu dan lebih kepada benda – benda personal dan bersifat sentimen. Sebab tu saya tak mahu mengulas dan prefer bercerita benda – benda yang lebih bersifat ilmiah walaupun nampak macam tak berapa relevent sangat dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang nih.
Natural Justice nih digunakan in all trials.. tak kira la mahkamah ke, domestic inquiry ke, tribunal pengguna ke.. tak kira.. semuanya standarad melainkan negara – negara kominis . So, kalau tak ikut standard nih.. paham – paham je la mahkamah jenis apa yang dibuat tu.
Below is an explantation of natural justice that I took from a legal website:
PART 1: What is Natural Justice?
In a nutshell, natural justice is about the concept of fairness encapsulated in an old adage: justice should be done and be seen to be done. In procedural terms, a decision maker should not only act in good faith and without bias but also should grant a hearing to any person whose interests will be affected by the exercise of that decision before the decision is made.
There are two primary rules underlying the concept of natural justice.
- audi alteram partem -(“hear the other side”) ie a person whose interests will be affected by the decision should be given a hearing before that decision is made.
- Nemo debet esse judex in propria sua causa - (“no one shall be judged in his own case”) ie the decision maker must be unbiased. If a person has preconceived opinions, a vested interest or personal involvement in a matter they should not attempt to settle that matter. Conventionally, a person is expected to declare any interest and step aside if it could be deemed that the decision was arrived at for reasons other than the merits of the case.
PART 2:Foremost rules of procedural fairness required by these primary rules in the resolution of disputes, grievances and complaints
- The respondent must be given full details of the accusations. That is, the factual issues and allegations to be examined and discussed should be specified in sufficient detail to enable adequate preparation of a defence and a reasonable opportunity of adequate refutation.
Ya, memang benar, ada
Sebab tu la GU berulang kali mengatakan dia tak tahu apa pertuduhan yang telah dilemparkan kepadanya. Maksudnya di sini pertuduhan rasmi. All this while dia tahu tentang pertuduhan itu pun dari mereka yang bersimpati dengan nasib beliau yang lebih bersifat heresay dan bukannya dari persatuan. At least kalau ada hitam putih tu dia tahu la on what ground should he be defending on.. Kang bila kena soal siasat pasal si kes cabul dia dok bercakap pasal bab umrah ke bab WFT 7 ke..…. Tak ke haru tu?
Daripada apa yang kita lihat adalah jelas terdapat pencabulan Natural Justice disini.
Tapi ini bukan pencabulan yang pertama ada banyak lagi… tapi sebelum tu mari kita lihat the second rule of procedural fairness
- Relevant documents used in judgment on a case must be disclosed to both parties.
Yang ini, ada tak berlaku? Mana dia semua dokumen – dokumen berkenaan kes pencabulan tu. Kalau kita rujuk kronologi ke dua – dua belah pihak ataupun cerita Pak Kadok dan Pak Pandir, tak de satu pun mengatakan yang adanya sebarang salinan dokumen yang digunakan oleh Jawatakuasa Kehakiman telah diberikan kepada pihak GU untuk kajian. Sampai sekarang nih pun satu habuk tak de dalam posession GU. Semua dokumen telah disimpan pihak belah
Jelas, i ni merupakan pencabulan yang kedua.