Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tak de pengantara?

Pak Pandir nih satu hal la… boleh pulak dia ambik bulat – bulat yang dalam Islam tidak ada pengantara. Saya tak tahu la apa maksud sebenar kata – kata Dato’ Dr. Ismail Ibrahim dalam buku Kebatilan dalam Ajaran Kebatinan yang si Pak Pandir petik tu. Sama ada maksud Dato’ Dr. Ismail itu lain daripada apa yang di tulis tu atau pun tidak.

Tak silap, saya pernah baca buku tersebut. Tapi yang saya ingat, buku itu ditujukan kepada mereka yang menganut fahaman Kebatinan. Ya, memang ada satu fahaman… macam sunnah wal jamaah, mutazilah, syiah dan sebagainya yang diberi nama Batinid atau Fahaman Kebatinan… tatau la kalau buku yang saya baca tu buku lain.

Anyway, my interest is not in the book… but more on the idea that dalam islam tak ada konsep pengantara.

Berlainan dengan apa yang ingin di utarakan oleh Pak Pandir, sebenarnya konsep pengantara ini la antara konsep tunjang yang ada dalam Islam. Ye la.. kita nih pun dapat Al quran nih pun melalui lidah Muhammmad SAW yang juga mendapat sebahagiannya melalui Jibril AS. Kalau kita tak de konsep pengantara ni, maka semua orang akan dapat Al Quran terus dari ALLAH SWT.

So, suka atau tidak, konsep pengantara nih memang ada dalam Islam…

Saya heran betul la.. sebagai seorang yang banyak merujuk, dia boleh pulak tak terjumpa tentang ujudnya konsep pengantara dalam islam ini.

Pernah dengar konsep TAWASSUL? Pernah dengar konsep SYAFAAT?

Kalau nak tahu, Tawassul dan Syafaat inilah antara jenis – jenis pengantaraan yang kita ada dalam islam.

Berikut adalah petikan daripada buku yang ditulis oleh Syeikh Nuh Ha Mim Keller yang menjelaskan tentang kedudukan pengataraan dalam islam:


From Reliance of the Traveller

by Sheikh Nuh Ha Mim Keller

TAWASSUL (definition)

Supplicating Allah by means of an intermediary, whether it be a living person, dead person, a good deed, or a name or Attribute of Allah Most High. The scholar, YUSUF RIFA'I, says: I here want to convey the position, attested to by compelling legal evidence, of the orthodox majority of Sunni Muslims on the subject of supplicating Allah through an intermediary (tawassul), and so I say (and Allah alone gives success) that since there is no disagreement among scholars that supplicating Allah through an intermediary is in principle legally valid, the discussion of its details merely concerns derived rulings that involve interschool differences, unrelated to questions of belief or unbelief, monotheism or associating partners with Allah (shirk); the sphere of the question being limited to permissibility or impermissibility, and its ruling being that it is either lawful or unlawful. There is no difference among groups of Muslims in their consensus on the permissibility of three types of supplicating Allah through an intermediary (tawassul):

(1) TAWASSUL through a living righteous person to Allah Most High, as in the hadith of the blind man with the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) as we shall explain;

(2) The TAWASSUL of a living person to Allah Most High through his own good deeds, as in the hadith of the three people trapped in a cave by a great stone, a hadith related by Imam Bukhari in his "Sahih;"

(3) And the TAWASSUL of a person to Allah Most High through His entity (dhat), names, attributes, and so forth.

Since the legality of these types is agreed upon, there is no reason to set forth the evidence for them. The only area of disagreement is supplicating Allah (tawassul) through a righteous dead person. The majority of the orthodox Sunni Community hold that it is lawful, and have supporting hadith evidence , of which we will content ourselves with the Hadith of the Blind Man, since it is the central pivot upon which the discussion turns.


Tirmidhi relates, through his chain of narrators from 'Uthman ibn Hunayf, that a blind man came to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and said, "I've been afflicted in my eyesight, so please pray to Allah for me." The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: "Go make ablution (wudu), perform two rak'as of prayer, and then say:

"Oh Allah, I ask You and turn to You through my Prophet Muhammad,
the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I seek your intercession with my Lord for the return of my eyesight [and in another version: "for my need, that it may be fulfilled. O Allah, grant him intercession for me"]."

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) added, "And if there is some need, do the same."

Scholars of Sacred Law infer from this hadith the recommended character of the "prayer of need," in which someone in need of something from Allah Most High performs such a prayer and then turns to Allah with this supplication together with other suitable supplications, traditional or otherwise, according to the need and how the person feels. The express content of the hadith proves the legal validity of "tawassul" through a living person (as the Prophet - peace be upon him - was alive at that time). It implicitly proves the validity of tawassul through a deceased one as well, since tawassul through a living or dead person is not through a physical body or through or through a life or death, but rather through the positive meaning (ma'na tayyib) attached to the person in both life and death. The body is but the vehicle that carries that significance, which requires that the person be respected whether dead or alive; for the words "O Muhammad" are an address to someone physically absent - in which state the living and dead are alike - an address to the meaning, dear to Allah, that is connected with his spirit, a meaning that is the ground of "tawassul," be it through a living or dead person.

Dari pada penjelasan di atas, adalah jelas bahawa adanya konsep pengantara dalam Islam. Namun ia tetap berlainan dengan konsep yang diketengahkan oleh agama Kristian. Agama islam meminta kepada tuhan, tapi melalui orang alim supaya ia mudah diperkenan.

Macam kita isi borang nak mintak loan la. Adalah lebih mudah nak dapat loan kalau kita mintak lalu bos – bos yang berpangkat tinggi berbanding mintak dengan officer biasa.


P/S: Buat pengetahuan, mandi silat kita tu pun merupakan satu bentuk tawasul.